Sunday 18 October 2009

Everything comes down to inacceptance

I'm really new to this, in fact, I've never blogged in my life. Always try out new things, it's fun :)

Trying out new things is what the world's about, without new things, we'd still be living in caves. Yet sometimes the world can't grasp the concept of change and that's where conflicts start, I think.

I was in Religious Education the other day. I picked it as a class because I love debating and learning about the people in the world. However, my teacher was a Christian and so only tought about Christianity. After 6 weeks of writing massive essays on 'Why Christians use the Bible to make decisions', 'Why Christians use the Church to make moral decisions', 'Why Christiand use the Pope to make moral decisions' and much much more, we had enough. We started questioning everything our teacher said. We'd form massive arguments and we wouldn't stop. Mostly T and W would have opposite opinions, causing them to spend all our lessons trying to prove eachother wrong. It was fun, and it was what we'd all wanted when we picked this subject.
One day, our teacher had enough, and she decided that we'd get back to writing about God and should we not do as told, detentions would follow. T couldn't take this and after five minutes he and W were in a heated discussion about why God would send his 'children' to Hell. Our teacher told him to come back for breaktime, and do the work then. T got so mad about this, because he wanted to finish his art project, not write up his 50th essay on God. He got so worked up about it that he threw his book to the ground and kicked his chair against the TV, then he stormed out.
Now our teacher doesn't have any more discussions in her classroom, we all sit and quietly do our work, writing up how miracles could possibly cause belief in God. No one has their own opinion anymore, only the teacher's opinion.

This is how the world is working. If people don't believe how you want them to believe, you tell them off. They might resist a lot but in the end the one with the most power wins, and the less powerful one has to obey them meekly.

Why should there be less powerful people in this world??? Without EVERYONE's opinions forming together, sometimes clashing, we can't accept new ideas, so nothing will change. And we will be stuck in this circle of polution, war and social inequality untill the day when the Earth can't take the strain anymore and we will all die.

Sounds cheery doesn't it???


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